SoMat - rugged, mobile data acquisition systems

- 专为恶劣环境设计
- 抗振动和冲击
- 更宽的温度使用范围(露点)
- 高防护等级,防尘放水
- 可采用不同的拓扑结构(集中式,分布式)配置
- 根据需要添加模块或层,可从4个通道扩展到 100多个通道
- 选项:集成到测试台
- 可用于汽车、卡车、移动机械、摩托车和铁路车辆测试
- 道路载荷数据采集(RLDA)、车辆动力学、功能测试等
- 交互式测试和独立监控
Somat - 用于恶劣环境的坚固型数据采集系统
即使在苛刻的环境下,Somat产品系列也能满足您需求:SomatXR、Somat eDAQXR 和 Somat eDAQXR lite。
上述三个产品均经过认证,可在恶劣环境下使用 — 用于移动车辆道路测试,以及苛刻要求的测试台。
您将能从 "HBM 制造" 中一致的车载数据处理,稳定的准确性和安全性中受益。
Rugged design
Measuring actual customer usage and operational data delivers feedback to the designers however acquiring data is not easy. Conditions on the test track or in the hands of the end user can be very challenging. Data acquisition instruments and sensors are exposed to vibration, shock, dust, fluids and temperature extremes. Typically there is only one chance to get the data. This is where HBM's range of SoMat data acquisition systems come in.
- Read the SoMat brochure online
SoMat eDAQ and SoMat eDAQlite systems offer you an unrivaled combination of features:
- Leading edge signal conditioning
- Correlation of physical data, vehicle bus and GPS
- Real-time data processing, triggering and complex computations
- Rugged stand-alone data acquisition systems
- Engineered for mobile applications
- Sealed for extreme environments
Our products are built tough to withstand the harsh environments you work in and have the capacity to perform a broad range of on-board data processing. This real-time data processing is achieved using SoMat DataModes™ technology.
Learn more about SoMat DataModes
Go anywhere, test anything with these SoMat systems:
SoMat eDAQThe SoMat eDAQ is a stand–alone, fully specified data acquisition system designed for test lab, field testing and unattended monitoring in harsh environments. SoMat eDAQ's are perfect for high channel counts. Learn more about SoMat eDAQ
SoMat eDAQliteThe SoMat eDAQlite is a stand–alone, compact data acquisition system designed for field testing and unattended monitoring in harsh environments. Learn more about SoMat eDAQlite |